As you have probably realized, I’ve not said much about the Appeal To Heaven flag and message for several months. Of course, we are still appealing! I have not, however, wanted to turn this powerful and important message into a fad, or diminish its value by over-promoting it. My staff and I have been seeking the Lord regarding what Holy …
Praying for America’s Destiny
It is not hard to find God’s destiny for America. In 1607, at the English settlers’ first landing at Cape Henry, they planted a cross and dedicated the land to the glory of God. Robert Hunt said: “From these very shores the gospel shall go forth, to not only this new world, but the entire world.” The next group who …
Contend for God’s Champion
I woke up this morning with Holy Spirit placing the Supreme Court on my heart. I knew He was saying to amp up the prayer for this branch of our government. President Trump is about to make one of the most important decisions he will make in his entire presidency, his first appointment to the Court. In the past, the …
While I was speaking at Chuck Pierce’s Head Of the Year conference October 2016, a trusted prophet and friend had a vision of John Knox standing behind me. Knox was a Scottish clergyman and leader of the Protestant Reformation in the 1500’s. In his day, evangelicals in Scotland were routinely burned at the stake and their Bibles incinerated. Knox himself …
Thank you, Church of America
Yesterday, Americans decided overwhelmingly to reject an ineffective and out-of-control government, a political system run amok, and the attack against our Judeo-Christian roots. They voted for life, their kids and grandkids, and the Constitution. As one who made strong appeals to the Church to pray and vote—and to do so for the above reasons, I thank you for the stand …
Elecciones 2016: El dilema del Cristiano Queridos hermanos en Cristo,
Como se puede deducir de mi saludo, les escribo principalmente a ustedes, la iglesia de los Estados Unidos de Norte América. Lo hago de manera personal, no representando a Dutch Sheets Ministries. Aunque esto es más largo que los blogs que normalmente envío, por favor léalo como un llamado urgente y desde el corazón. La urgencia que siento dentro de …
Retracing America’s Covenant Roots
“I have tapped into the root of mercy.” That moving phrase rang forth from Dutch in the dream of a Colorado intercessor. Just 3 days prior to the tour, while watching the Appeal to Heaven Conference online, a prophetic pastor in Missouri saw coins raining down all around Dutch. On each coin was imprinted the word MERCY. While standing ankle …
Election 2016: The Christian’s Dilemma
Dear Fellow Believers, As you can tell from my greeting, I am writing primarily to you, the American church. I am doing so personally, not representing Dutch Sheets Ministries. Though this is longer than the blogs I normally send, please read it as an urgent, heartfelt appeal. The sense of urgency I feel is hard to put in words. I …