Gather the Watchmen on 2:22

[Please indulge me in sending a longer communication than normal. I believe it is of the utmost importance.]



I have never seen spiritual warfare over our nation like I’m seeing today. It is truly shocking to watch…and experience! One would have to be spiritually blind not to realize there is a cosmic battle occurring for the soul of our nation. The ferocious forces endeavoring to lead America down a secular, non-Christian path can only be described as frenzied in their current actions. Please know—the battle is NOT about Donald Trump. It is about whether the devastation caused by 50 years of anti-Christian activity will be reversed or, God forbid, continue. The antichrist forces are almost rabid in their anger over the potential loss of progress.

I have been saying since last November that if the church doesn’t pray with the intensity we had during the elections, President Trump will not succeed in his efforts. This battle can only be won spiritually. We CAN turn this nation around, but it will require more spiritual warfare. To accomplish this, Holy Spirit has been giving us strategy.


As you have probably realized, I’ve not said much about the Appeal To Heaven flag and message God gave me regarding it for several months. Of course, we are still appealing! I have not, however, wanted to turn this powerful and important message into a fad, or diminish its value by over-promoting it.

However, my staff and I have been seeking the Lord regarding what Holy Spirit would like to do with the message. He has now dropped His plan into our hearts, and confirmed it with interesting and enlightening prophetic words given to us by trusted friends and prophets. Here is the first, which came in a dream:

“In the dream, I saw a large wind-driven ship sitting still in the ocean. Suddenly, a strong wind came and began filling the sails, starting a movement. As the sails filled, I could see that they were Appeal To Heaven flags. There were five of them.” [Some of you will remember from my Appeal To Heaven message and book that God showed me, in a dream, five spiritual giants ruling America, which our prayers would eventually overthrow.] “When the sails were fully visible, I saw ‘2020’ on the bottom of each flag, which I believe refers to the year 2020. As the ship sailed away, I saw the letters DSM on the back of it.” [This, of course, referred to Dutch Sheets Ministries.]

This dream confirms what is in my heart—we are to continue emphasizing the Appeal to Heaven message and conducting gatherings around the nation, at least through the year 2020. The good work that has begun in America, including the changes in our government, is obviously not finished, nor are we moving in the fullness of the awakening that has begun. The Body of Christ must continue to press in with prayer until the giants ruling America are pulled down and the spiritual shift is complete. We will re-launch and continue to convene Appeal to Heaven gatherings until this occurs.


The next Appeal To Heaven gathering will be in Washington, D.C., February 22-24, 2018. While praying about the timing of re-launching, my friend, Cindy Jacobs, gave me a very strong prophetic word. Not only was the word related to the re-launching of Appeal to Heaven, but also to the re-launching of the worldwide prayer movement! Holy Spirit reminded Cindy of a word Chuck Pierce gave in Washington, D.C., in May of this year. Chuck prophesied that the next 10 months would be filled with turmoil for the nation and our president. However, after these 10 months had passed, a turnaround would occur and we would move into three years of breakthrough.

While listening to me speak and pondering Chuck’s word, Cindy was led by Holy Spirit to count 10 months from the time Chuck gave the word; she realized it was February 22, 2018. Knowing the prophetic significance of the number 22 as it relates to government and the opening and closing of doors (Isaiah 22:22), and that this is one of the most significant biblical references for my calling, Cindy received the following word from the Lord for me:

“You must re-launch Appeal To Heaven in Washington, D.C. next year on February 22, and release the turnaround which Chuck prophesied for our president and the nation. This Appeal to Heaven gathering will also re-launch the world-wide prayer movement. Pastors, intercessors, and prayer leaders from America and around the world will come and help.”

This word has resonated with all the spiritual leaders I’ve consulted. Lou Engle actually postponed a large Call event planned for that same date in Orlando, Florida. He will now be joining us in Washington for this gathering. Chuck Pierce will also be there. In fact, he and I have been on an assignment from the Lord to go to 22 cities in America, declaring and releasing the shift into this new season. In God’s providence, this gathering on the 22nd will be our final—and 22nd!!—city of the tour.

Cindy, of course, will be there, as will other strong leaders from America and around the world. We will be riding the strength of 25 years of prayers for America, and WE WILL SHIFT THIS NATION!


I believe the venue for this gathering is prophetic. As we looked for venues in Washington, D.C., nothing seemed to materialize for those dates. Hotels, theaters and convention centers were either not available, were too expensive (venues in D.C. large enough to accommodate 2000 people for three days can run as high as $250,000, and the average hotel room on Capitol Hill is in the $300-$400 range!), or, quite frankly, some simply did not want us. After exhausting all other possibilities, we called the Trump Hotel, even though their conference capacity is less (1300 people); we were also hesitant since, as a 5-star hotel, they are even more expensive than most other hotels. To our pleasant surprise, they were emphatic that they would love to have us do our prayer gathering there! And to prove it, they have cut their room costs in half to accommodate us!


Early registration, which will begin September 18 and end October 31, is only $45 per person. After that time it will increase to $60, still very low.

And although some will no doubt stay outside of D.C. and travel in on the metro to save money, I need many of you to stay at the Trump Hotel. In order to lower their prices as they have, the hotel needs us to fill at least 200 of their rooms. I have signed a contract guaranteeing that number; in other words, we must pay for 200 rooms, whether we fill them or not. I’m confident, however, that many of you will see the prophetic significance of this gathering, in this place, and that we will fill all 200 rooms. Actually, let’s fill up all 275 rooms and “take over” the entire hotel.

They have reduced their room rate for us to $375 per night. Although this may seem expensive to many of you, it is actually the average price of a hotel room on Capitol Hill. And as a 5-star hotel, built two blocks from the White House to accommodate world leaders, their normal rate is $700-$800 a night! They are doing everything possible to help us accomplish this assignment! Extend your faith for the funds and stay at The Trump Hotel. Perhaps friends can share a room and cut the expense dramatically. Let’s make this happen.


Gather with me, Chuck Pierce, Cindy Jacobs, Lou Engle and many other leaders as we shift America into its turnaround next February 22-24, in Washington, D.C. This could prove to be one of the most historic prayer gatherings in America’s history. We will fill the Trump Hotel—and all of the atmosphere over Washington D.C.—with intercession and biblical decrees, shifting our nation into the three years of breakthrough Father desires to give us. And we will re-launch the next phase of the worldwide prayer movement! On the final morning, Saturday, we will worship then “send” all attendees to the Capital, Supreme Court, White House, and other government buildings to decree what Holy Spirit has spoken during the Thursday and Friday sessions. Washington D.C. will shift!

I’ll see you in Washington, D.C. on February 22, 2018 for the Turnaround!

-Dutch Sheets


Comments 32

  1. blessings Dutch, I have read your spot and is a blessing for my life, I write from El Salvador, we want to support in this time, we know that God is talking about a new time and here in El Salvador we are working hard in prayer but the church is suffering sectarianism and the unity is costing a lot, we believe that this is the time and I seek to be in contact with you and to join the call of God for the nations, following in the footsteps of you. I hope to have an answer to my request, blessings and greetings.

  2. I have been seeing 222 EVERYWHERE for the last 18-24 months! And have tried to find some reason that I am always seeing these numbers. My great prayer (and burden) is that our nation would return to its position as a “light on the hill” and its scriptural beginnings.

    I LOVED your book “An Apoeal to Heaven” (and even purchased the flag). My great desire (and frequent prayer) is that I could, in some way, play a part in helping to return our nation back to God.

    I’ve got to believe that this 2-22 event might just be prophetic for me

  3. I am attending the Rise Up! gathering in October. I’d love to come to the Appeal to Heaven Conference and stay at the Trump Hotel, but God would need to provide. I will pray!

  4. I am planning on coming and have asked 2 other people to come. Will start saving for the Trump Hotel room!!

  5. Brother Dutch – your inspire me so much! My sister and I are coming to D.C. ! Also please know I’ve been in more intercessory prayer this year than I ever have in my life. When I go to pray I am immediately before the throne for this nation, & for my family. Yes the heavens are being shaken as the earth is getting ready for the greatest harvest known to mankind !!

  6. Praying with you for the US, and believing that as a mother of nations, your destiny will affect ours in South Africa. Wish our currency would allow us to attend!
    God bless and keep you.

    1. We need to pray and intercess a lot for our country South Africa. There is no other way to break the strongholds of violence, hate, poverty, lawlessness and corruption that have taken possession of our country. We need complete national deliverance, and only God can do that. The battle can be won on our knees.

  7. As I prayed over this I was given a vision of a huge cloud with a lightening bolt shooting out from it. Immediately I was reminded of Ps.18:6-19. (Vs 12-14)
    THIS is our God. This is the heart and response of our Heavenly Father, to his children’s cries.

  8. If I’m planning to take my fourteen year old son, do I pay the 40 also for him? We are coming from Tucson Arizona. Victory is our church. Pastor Zane Anderson is our favorite Pastor there.

  9. There are times and seasons in our God and this is the time of total turnaround and I’m very honored that I can be there on February 22, 2018 will be part of the intercession for this … I already have an Airbnb reserved for me and my son

  10. I’m very excited for this event to happen. Will definitely be praying for you and the other speakers, and for America and our leaders.

  11. I am excited about this event. Will be praying for you and the other speakers. Will also be praying for America and our leaders.

  12. I’m so EXPECTANT! In my zeal, I tried to book my room last week when I received this notice. Needless to say, it was too early and the hotel did not yet have the booking. Will try again today.

    Yes! Washington DC will shift as we hear and obey!!!

    Thank you for calling this historic gathering!!!

    Every Blessing!
    Erna Hayes

  13. Sounds great. My wife and I probably won’t make it but want to be connected to you and other intercessors around the nation and world. How can we be connected to this network?

  14. Looking to join you on February 22nd, as part of the global prayer movement as I call staff and students from Christian Schools to either join me in a day of prayer at our Alberta Legislature or pray at their own campuses for their province and nation. Last years (6th annual) ‘Alberta Youth Call 2 Prayer’ day of prayer saw 4200 staff and students coming together on their campuses to stand with a small group of students from the Edmonton area on site at the Legislature. I believe the prayers of these youth are powerful to shift things in our province and nation. We stand together with you to see things shift in our nations.

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