We have hosted 3 Appeal to Heaven conferences this year — The Turnaround in Washington, DC, Forward in Colorado Springs, and Giants Will Fall in Chattanooga, Tennessee. In the words of a trusted prophetic friend, “I thought after DC I would never experience anything as great in my life. To my surprise, Colorado Springs was greater and Chattanooga, shockingly, was …
“But you need to be aware that in the final days the culture of society will become extremely fierce and difficult for the people of God. People will be self-centered lovers of themselves and obsessed with money. They will boast of great things as they strut around in their arrogant pride and mock all that is right. They will ignore …
My Thoughts Regarding the Forward Conference 2018
There are moments in history that truly must be seized, seasons in which “business as usual” would be worse than disappointing…it would be disastrous. We are in such a time. As we launch into this “new era” it has become increasingly obvious to me that we are moving into one of the greatest opportunities in church history. My reasons …
Update From The Turnaround And Forward Momentum
Sometimes it’s the timing of a spiritual event that enables an extraordinary level of breakthrough to occur; in other gatherings, it’s the level of unity. High levels of corporate faith can produce great victories; still others take place because of the overall level of maturity of those in attendance. Sometimes it’s all the above. Such was the case at The …
Dear Friends, Convene: to come together or assemble, usually for a public purpose; to summon to appear, as before a judicial officer As we gather on 2/22—some in Washington, D.C., others via Livestream—we are not gathering for a typical conference. As the above definition states, we have been “summoned to appear before a judicial officer”— the Supreme Judge of the …
The New Era
One of the great shifts in process within the Body of Christ is regarding our role as Christ’s ekklesia (church). Most of you probably know that in Christ’s day, the word did not mean a religious service, organization, or building; it was a legislative assembly. We are “representatives” of Christ’s Kingdom government on earth. Certain streams of the body of …
Significant Dream and Interpretation in Preparation for the Turnaround Conference
A well-respected pastor in Arizona texted me this morning regarding the upcoming Turnaround Conference in Washington D.C., February 22-24: I was praying for the gathering in D.C. and felt so strongly its significance—that our nation’s future is at stake!! What we pray, and indeed how we pray, will determine our future for many years. We are a nation at a …
Preparation for the Upcoming Turnaround Conference
In just over 3 weeks, The Turnaround gathering will convene in Washington D.C. Its purpose is to birth the 3 years of turnaround Chuck Pierce prophecied for America, and to launch a new phase of the worldwide prayer movement. I’ll be sending this blog and 2 to 3 more leading up to the event, to help the attendees and the …
The Power of History
The thought of shaping the future is powerful, but past history is also very important. Karl Marx said, “If I can steal their history, I can steal their country.” Roots are essential and powerful; foundations are critical. Before facing Goliath, David asked the question, “Is there not a cause?” Interestingly, the Hebrew word used for “cause” also means “history.” Therefore, …
Gather the Watchmen on 2:22
[Please indulge me in sending a longer communication than normal. I believe it is of the utmost importance.] THE WAR FOR AMERICA I have never seen spiritual warfare over our nation like I’m seeing today. It is truly shocking to watch…and experience! One would have to be spiritually blind not to realize there is a cosmic battle occurring for …