Day 22, Chapter 22: The Stretch I love nature and the outdoors. Sunrise, sunset, mountains, oceans, rivers, streams, trees – I just find God to be a pretty good artist. I also love to check out the animals. I’ve watched squirrels gather nuts, rabbits nibble leaves and veggies, and woodpeckers bang away at trees – […]
May 21, 2021
Day 15, Chapter 15: The Friendship I called myself a Christian for seventeen years before I discovered I could have a truly personal relationship with God. Prior to this, I certainly knew Him as God and I definitely knew Him as my Savior. I didn’t, however, really know Him as my Father, and walking with […]
May 20, 2021
Day 14, Chapter 14: The Offering Like most of you, I’ve had my share of awkward moments, like forgetting names, clothing malfunctions, and worse, which shall remain unrevealed. Jesus, too, had some awkward moments – at least the situations would have created awkwardness for most of us. In His inimitable style, He didn’t seem to […]
May 19, 2021
Day 13, Chapter 13: The Walk I love to walk. I also like to explore. When I hunt, which I also like to do, I mostly walk around and check out the sights. This diminishes my effectiveness, since the animals are so adept at seeing movement and hearing noises. I don’t mind, however, for me, […]
May 18, 2021
Day 12, Chapter 12: The Place I love the mountains. Doesn’t matter if it’s to hunt, fish, walk, or sit – I just love hanging out in mountainous terrain. I’ve spent hundreds of hours climbing hills, hiking majestic peaks, and sitting in lush valleys reflecting, relaxing, and rejuvenating my inner person. If you’ve never sat […]
May 17, 2021
Day 11, Chapter 11: The Spoiler One of the greatest offers in the history of the world was made centuries ago to a man named Obed-edom. At the instruction of David, king of Israel, he was asked if his living room could be the Holy of Holies for a while. And David was unwilling to […]
May 16, 2021
Day 10, Chapter 10: The Union Unlike most of you impatient sinners, I love to wait. NOT! Ceci and my daughters have called me on the carpet for thirty years concerning my impatience. I, in turn, remind them of Scriptures on not being judgmental. Besides, I’m making progress – slowly. I mean, really, who enjoys […]
May 15, 2021
Day 9, Chapter 9: The Choice “I’m gonna blow your doors off!” My frustration could no longer be contained on this particular morning’s commute to teach at Christ For The Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas. I was running late that day, and as was often the case, my three-year-old daughter, Sarah, was with me so […]
May 14, 2021
Day 8, Chapter 8: The Distractions Yesterday we began looking at the biblical account of Mary and Martha, two sisters who entertained Jesus in their home. While Martha was distracted as she prepared Him a meal, Mary was seated at the Lord’s feet hearing and understanding His words. The passage is so pregnant with revelation […]
May 13, 2021
Day 7, Chapter 7: The Decision Now as they were traveling along, [Jesus] entered a certain village; and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. And she had a sister called Mary, who moreover was listening to the Lord’s word, seated at His feet. But Martha was distracted with all her preparations; and […]