February 19, 2021

Honoring Three American Pioneers Holy Spirit tells us in Acts 13:36 that King David fulfilled the purposes of God for his generation. This verse speaks loudly to so many who read it, seeming to “jump off the page.” Who among us would not be thrilled to hear those words from the Lord? I want to […]

February 18, 2021

We Value Our Babies According to a recent Newsmax article  by Michael Dorstewitz, YouTube, owned by Google, is now banning some pro-life customers. Last week they cancelled pro-life news service LifeSiteNews. LifeSiteNews’s John-Henry Westin said they were never even given a warning prior to Joe Biden’s administration. “The implication,” Dorstewitz went on to say, “is […]

February 17, 2021

Troubling Executive Actions The Democrats and Republican RINOs failed to convict Trump for the second time. Their misuse of the Constitution, including the altering of evidence, demonstrates not only their utter hatred of Trump and the policies he pursued, but also their complete confidence they can now do whatever they choose without reprisal. Though they […]

February 16, 2021

The Rewarding Pursuit Ceci loves to garden. While living in Colorado, her painstaking efforts were challenged, at best. Long winters, the ground never really warming up while living at 7500 feet and summer nights always being in the 50-60’s – even during the months of July and August – made gardening nearly impossible. Therefore, tomato […]

February 15, 2021

The Day the Music Stopped David, the great psalmist, giant slayer and eventual king of Israel is one of my favorite Bible characters. Jesus must have liked him also; He accepted the title “Son of David.” David’s ultimate success, in spite of his colossal failures, should bring hope to all of us. The “man after […]

February 14, 2021

In honor of Black History Month, our dear friend Will Ford, III, tells part of his family’s story.  History Makers The first time I heard Dutch speak was at a conference in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He shared about the time when he spoke at Christ for the Nations, agreed in prayer with past generations, and […]

February 13, 2021

My staff and I would like to make you aware of an imposter who has cloned my photo pretending to be me, talking with people on YouTube chat and on the Give Him 15 Facebook page. Know that I NEVER chat with anyone (don’t even know how), will never send anyone a private message, or […]

February 12, 2021

Represent Him Well  When we are born again, we are no longer mere humans, we are a new creation, a new race of spiritual beings. In Acts, the followers of Christ began to be called Christians (“little Christs”). In his first letter to Corinth, Paul chastised believers for acting like “mere men” (3:3). We are […]

February 11, 2021

Be the Church The church is mentioned for the first time in Matthew 16:18-19: “I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock, I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not overpower it I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you […]

February 10, 2021

Eagles on Assignment Yesterday, I shared a dream given to Gina Gholston in January of 2020. It spoke of four separate wells of revival being reopened by Holy Spirit. God is going to merge the anointings and power of these world-impacting outpourings, giving us the synergy of the ages. Get ready! My spirit leaped as […]