by Dutch Sheets
I have often encouraged believers to judge what God is doing in America, not by what they see or hear naturally, but by discerning spiritually. Elijah “saw” and “heard” drought-breaking rain—the sign of God’s favor returning to Israel—before there was even a cloud in the sky (see 1 Kings 18:41). Likewise, in today’s America the moral depravity and staggering departure from God and our Christian roots can easily mask to the undiscerning what He is doing. Be assured, however, America’s turnaround is in full swing!
A huge and surprising sign was given to us three years ago when God began using one of the most unlikely men in America to trumpet two political messages: “Drain the Swamp” and “Make America Great Again.” I would have chosen an individual with a great moral background, sound theology, a worshipping heart, and deep humility. God chose Donald J. Trump and it has been oh-so-refreshing to watch him buck the system and expose the evil agendas of Washington DC, the far left, the deep state and yes, the kingdom of darkness all hate him.
Why was Trump’s election so angering to them? There has been a satanically inspired and successful effort for 60-70 years—through government, media, education and entertainment—to reshape America, turning us from our Christian roots and God-given destiny. Yahweh’s purpose for America is to be the leading voice of the gospel around the world. (This, probably unbeknownst to POTUS, is America’s true greatness, not our wealth.) Trump’s win interrupted satan’s momentum and is now reversing this demonic reshaping; his policies will continue to do so. POTUS’ Federal Judges and Supreme Court appointments alone (with more coming), have been an immeasurable setback to the left’s agenda. Democrat Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, recently said of Trump: “We can withstand one term. But the destruction he would do to the courts in our country [if he is given 4 more years]…he must be defeated!” She and her far left allies were nearly rabid with anger and hatred at the 2020 State of the Union address; and their farcical impeachment trial was pathetic enough to be laughable. They know their agenda is being thwarted and they are furious.
God’s divine reversal isn’t finished, however. The exposing of evil will continue, as will the turnaround. This year, 2020, is the hinge year. The door into America’s great revival and resurrection will swing fully open this year—if we, the praying Church, persist. And we will.
An encouraging dream was sent to me a few weeks back, which makes clear the significance of 2020:
Suddenly I was taken into a vision. In this vision, I saw you [Dutch Sheets] climbing a large, thick rope. You were wearing a “letterman” or “varsity” jacket, similar to those worn in the past by school athletes to identify them with the team for which they played. The “letter” on your jacket was “K”, and stood for/represented “Kingdom.”
The rope you were climbing was very long, and it had several knots tied in it. I noticed the knots were strategically placed for your climb, for it was at each of these knots where you would begin to look very tired and almost at the point of being unable to continue. At exactly those points, however, there would be one of the huge knots, giving you a place of rest and reprieve. You were able then to get a fresh grip on the rope and a “second wind” to continue the climb.
There were numbers on the knots, which represented years. One was 1978, another was 1985, then 1995…2004…2008…2010, 2016 and lastly 2019. I don’t know the exact significance of those specific years but I knew that at some point during each one, God had done something major and timely in or for you, strengthening and empowering you to continue the climb. [I, Dutch, know what each year represents.]
At the top of the rope was a large bell, which looked like the Liberty Bell. Written on it was “The United States of America” and “2020” was inscribed beneath those words.
Nearing the top of the rope you made a huge stretch and, with all the strength you had, reached for a string attached to the clapper of the bell. Just barely reaching it, you took the string with your fingertips and rang the bell. Though it seemed you barely rang it, the sound coming out of the bell was deafening! And I could see sound waves going out from it like ripples of water when a stone has been dropped into a lake.
At that point, it was as if I were “zoomed out” and my view widened, enabling me to see that the “sound waves” from the ringing bell were swiftly traveling all across America causing a “movement” in the land—not an earthquake, but a noticeable, tangible movement. I then heard a loud voice from heaven declaring: ”Now, I have gotten your attention! America, you have been SAVED by the bell!” That was the end of the vision.
When I awoke, I knew several things immediately regarding the vision: 1) The ringing of the bell was associated with prayer. 2) The phrase “saved by the bell” meant that something was stopped in just the nick of time. What COULD have happened and what was INTENDED by evil forces to happen, COULD NOT happen now because “the ringing of the bell” had stopped it. 3) I also understood that, although the bell was at the top of the rope, this wasn’t an ending! It was a transition into a “new era”! The climb got us here, the reach in prayer has caused movement, and now the movement will broaden. It is awakening!
Mature (“varsity”) intercessors have prevailed.
Moving forward, the ekklesia’s finest hour will be seen. Satan’s carefully
planned agenda will be stopped. The first ringing of the Liberty Bell in 1776
marked America’s birth; today’s “ringing” will mark our rebirth.
Listen for the sound; America shall be saved!
Keep praying, Church!