NScripture challenges us to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). If we always have soulish reactions to what we see and hear, we would quickly find ourselves in a sad, disheartening place. I’m grateful for the admonition to walk by faith – it’s full of hope, promise, reminders of God’s faithfulness, and so much more.
Almost daily I find myself listening to news, and reading articles and reports regarding the state of our nation. Of course, we are very divided on the ideals and philosophies that should guide us. Many on the left want secularism, the view that public education and other matters of civil policy should be conducted without the introduction of a religious element. Others of us hold to our faith in God and the desire that America cling to her Christian roots and principles. An article I recently read brought these diverse viewpoints into stark focus.
The article was regarding the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, spearheaded by Senator Ben Sasse from Nebraska. It seems that abortionists are continuously using loopholes to allow babies that survive abortions to die on the table, without providing any help or comfort whatsoever (can hardly bear the thought). Sasse, along with 37 other senators, is trying to change this. The article went on to say that if the law makes it through the Senate, it will almost certainly be rejected by the Democrat controlled House. Unconceivable.
What have we as a nation become?! Founding Father John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Thomas Jefferson, third U.S. President and signer of the Declaration of Independence warned, “…God who gave us life and liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever…”
This is why we continue to give all of our efforts to turning America back to God. The coming Third Great Awakening is needed to stop this runaway train, because it is the only thing that can transform the conscience of a nation. Regarding the apostate leaders of Israel, through the prophet Jeremiah, God stated, “Are they ashamed because they have done such shameful things? No, they are not at all ashamed. They do not even know how to blush!” (Jeremiah 6:15) Their conscience was dead.
And speaking of an inability to feel shame, consider Planned Parenthood’s recent “Freedom to F**k” campaign. Other celebrity supporters of abortion are now spearheading the “Shout Your Abortion” movement. In other words, “Don’t be ashamed of abortion—brag about it.” It is certainly not my intention to shame anyone who has participated in an abortion—God can completely eradicate the sin, shame, and pain. My point is that a portion of America is in desperate need of an awakened conscience. Nothing can accomplish this but an encounter with God!
This is coming! God, in His mercy and covenantal faithfulness, is going to send a great revival. A merciful awakening is on the way, through which millions will find salvation and therein, find the mind of Christ. The heart and conscience of a nation will come alive. America will change from the inside.
There aren’t many prophets I trust as much as Chuck Pierce. When he called me a few weeks ago and said, “It is time to go through our nation, region to region, preparing the land for awakening,” I was very excited. Chuck went on to say, “We can now activate the revival roots in America.”
As we prayed about how to accomplish this, Holy Spirit led us to break the nation into regions and in this way, touch people from all 50 states, releasing the hovering power of Holy Spirit to bring forth revival (we are still deciding on exactly how many regions, but it will be probably be 15-20). I cannot tell you how encouraging this is to both of us. Keep an eye on my website (www.dutchsheets.org) and join us for one of these upcoming gatherings. And please pray for us.
When God says it is now time for an outpouring of His Spirit, He is not guaranteeing it; He is alerting us to release it through faith, prayer, and spirit-led decrees. Jerusalem missed the time of a God-visitation (see Luke 19:42-44); both Elijah and Daniel had to release restoration and revival through intercession, even though God had declared it was time for them to occur (see 1 Kings 18:1,41-46; Daniel 9:1-23, 10:12). This is where we are today in America. It is time to Appeal To Heaven as never before! That is what we do in these gatherings; it is also what I’m asking you to do in your personal and corporate prayer times. It is time for the final push in the birthing of America’s spiritual restoration! This is the year!
Borrowing the words of President Bush regarding the war on terrorism, I believe they are true of America’s prayer army, “The battle is joined on many fronts. We will not waver; we will not tire; we will not falter; and we will not fail.”
~by Dutch Sheets
Comments 6
Im passionate for revival…in Ireland …in the world …I feel your burden for America as Ireland is so connected to her …as she is to so many places in the world …going into deep places of Intercession wrecks you for life but may we all be drawn in ….it sometimes feels like diving into great breaking waves …and as if the power of the force of the water washes the land with our words and tears …preparing for great revival …and know the Lord has released Apostolic anointing that speaks the word with authority and fire ….its coming …I wait …I watch …I long …
Blessings on you brother …thankyou for coming to Carryduff.in Ireland ..I had the pleasure of shaking your hand …I was inspired and ignited afresh …
Now is the time for birthing . God has been reclaiming His land for His purposes.
This conference is very strategic ! I see fires being lit in the various regions! These fires will clear the land for the great harvest. Can’t wait to attend !
Our church, Berean Fellowship is in Pittsburgh, PA, on the western side of the state.
Are there any “A Time to Plow” events being considered or scheduled for this part of the USA? NY, NJ, WV, VA? We want to either attend or live stream it. Thanks for letting us know.
“God’s Ekklesia is realizing who they are and raising up a great surge of prayer to turn this nation around.”
I remember seeing a segment on CNN that featured a rare childhood disease. CNN interviewed a mother, whose son was sick, to highlight children who were suffering with the disease. It turned out that the mother was a Christian. At the end of the interview, she expressed her thanks for the opportunity and said: “I am most grateful to be able to bring awareness to this disease. For my own son, I am so happy to get the word out. My hope is that a prayer army will form as a result of this interview and cry out to heaven for my son’s healing.”
Anyone watching this interview would have been moved with compassion for her sick child. I know I was. Evidently, if God was watching, He was not.
This dear lady hoped that a large number of people who had watched the interview would pray. And hopefully, if the amount of prayer was large enough, God would be convinced to act and heal her son.
Is this not the same low opinion that we have of God concerning the need of an awakening in our land?
Any thinking Christian can see that our nation is in trouble, and it is getting worse. So, we need “a great surge of prayer to turn this nation around.” Obviously, God must be very busy, or surely He would have noticed. This “great surge” is necessary to convince God to act – before it is too late.
Well … God has already acted! He has sent the Holy Spirit, and He has given us apostles.
Consider the following two examples from the Book of Acts (there are more in addition to these). If events such as these were to happen in one of our American cities, would we not call it an “awakening?”
1. Peter heals a paralyzed man named Aeneas in the city of Lydda. As a result, “All those who lived in Lydda and Sharon saw him and turned to the Lord” (Acts 9:35). Sharon is not a city, but it is a district (Plain of Sharon) located between the cities of Caesarea and Joppa. Peter then goes to Joppa and raises Dorcas from the dead. “This became known all over Joppa, and many people believed in the Lord” (Acts 9:42). As a result of these two miracles, all the people living in this geographic region “turned to the Lord.” If this happened in one of our American cities, would we not call it an awakening?
2. Paul’s ministry in Ephesus: “God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them” (Acts 19:11-12). Because of this, “Many of those who believed now came and openly confessed what they had done. A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas (Acts 19:18-19). A mass movement of people turned to the Lord – “In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power” (Acts 19:20). “This went on for two years, so that all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord ” (Acts 19:10). If this happened in one of our American cities, would we not call it an awakening?
In the two examples above, who is doing the ministry? It is not the Ekklesia. It is two apostles. Please hear this: It is not the responsiblity of the Ekklesia to turn this nation to God – this is the apostles’ responsibility.
How long will we impugn God’s character with our calls for an awakening? How long will we misrepresent God as uncaring and disinterested? How long will we continue to ask for something that God has already given us?
It is time for our apostles to repent of their disobedience and dead works. They have disengaged their ministry from New Testament methodology. Why are our apostles not doing the same things that we see the apostles doing in the Book of Acts?
It is not a “great surge of prayer” from the Ekkessia which will turn our nation to God, but it is the apostles, who have repented from their disobedience and dead works, who will bring a “spiritual awakening.” This will be accomplished by preaching the Gospel outside of believer’s meetings in the marketplace and “centers of culture” with signs, wonders, and miracles – “With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus (Acts 4:33).”
I’m an intercessor and aligned with GZI. I was discouraged and felt so alone. Then i heard your comment about being in Washington : Mercy, mercy….then hope arises
Love it!!! Now is the time!!! I had a dream 2 nights ago. The Lord spoke to me “watch when Dutch has his next conference. That will be the beginning of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit!! “. Revival is at hand!! I’m in agreement for great things happening. Lord shake EVERYTHING that be shaken!!! Thank you so much for sharing Dutch!!!