Holy Spirit continues to go above and beyond to assure me we are moving toward a monumental awakening and revival. He also faithfully reminds me that He is diligently working behind the scenes during the coronavirus pandemic to override satan and accomplish heaven’s purposes—God will never be one-upped by anything the evil one does.
As a part of this encouragement, Yahweh continues to send me uplifting and strategy filled dreams; some of which I share in my most recent podcast. The first two indicate this year’s Pentecost season marks a strategic point in time for a tremendous shift. May 31st, Pentecost Sunday, is truly significant as is the whole month of June. Get ready: the Ekklesia will begin to emerge with new strength and authority during this window of time.
I also share dreams indicating we have been in God’s furnace or “forge” during this recent challenging season. I’ve had no less than 6 trustworthy dreams sent to me over the last couple of months regarding forges and blacksmiths. Holy Spirit is emphasizing this process very strongly. New weapons and tools are being forged FOR the Ekklesia, and new strength is being produced WITHIN us. We will emerge from this time operating at a new level of authority and gifting.
Finally, I share a very important dream about POTUS. In it he is weary—even “out of gas.” But the Church rises up in apostolic authority and decrees, releasing the wind and power of Holy Spirit to him. He is filled with God’s Spirit and becomes stronger and more effective than he’s ever been. The dream is powerful, encouraging, and must be obeyed!
This podcast is extremely important. I urge you to listen to it soon as it is time sensitive. You’ll be encouraged, challenged, strengthened in your vision and filled with hope.
Forward, always forward.
Dutch Sheets