March 26, 2020

The Church Can Shift the Atmosphere – Part 3 “All throughout God’s Word, we see that God is enthroned in praise. We glorify Him through our worship. That is why praise and worship are essential to experiencing God’s glory. Praise is that element of celebration that can transport us into the throne room of God. […]

March 25, 2020

The Church Can Shift the Atmosphere – Part 2 “Say to the Lord, ‘Open our eyes to Your Breath! Open our ears to Your sound!’ God is reminding us we have authority to operate from a heavenly realm. He has given us eyes to see into a heavenly realm. Throw your hands up. Say, ‘I […]

March 24, 2020

The Church Can Shift The Atmosphere – Part 1 We are living through an unprecedented time in the earth. As we moved into this new era of 5780, many prophetic voices were saying this. Some of the things the Lord was saying were that it would be an unusual time, and that we would see […]

March 23, 2020

President Trump – Coronavirus Healthcare Updates “Today, I want to share with you exciting progress that the FDA is making with the private sector as we slash red tape like nobody has ever done it before.  So we slashed red tape to develop vaccines and therapies as fast as it can possibly be done — […]

March 22, 2020

From the President – Praying for the Economy “As you know, my administration is working every day to protect American people and the American economy from the virus. Wednesday, I signed into law a critical support for American workers, families, and small businesses. It was a big thing. We’re providing sick leave and family medical […]

March 21, 2020

A Global Shaking “This global pandemic is a global opportunity. It is affecting the whole world. If we, as the Church, will arise and shine (Isaiah 60), we can see the greatest global harvest we have ever seen. This is what we have been praying for! When we don’t know what’s going on, we need […]

March 20, 2020

How Shall the Church Respond to This Crisis? “It is a chaotic time in the nations. In the midst of the time we are in, many individuals have inquired as to what I am hearing from the Lord. I purposefully spent several days in intercession seeking Him before releasing some of what I feel He […]

March 19, 2020

The Healer is Here! “The Lord is rearranging our time and space, and we need to submit in this rearrangement.  I am calling it a PAUSE… and we need to submit to it.  This will help all of us to develop new mindsets, new ways of operation, and new thinking processes. I was recently asked […]

March 18, 2020

A Message to the Praying Church – Conclusion An encouraging dream was sent to me a few weeks back, which makes clear the significance of 2020: Suddenly I was taken into a vision. In this vision, I saw you [Dutch Sheets] climbing a large, thick rope. You were wearing a “letterman” or “varsity” jacket, similar […]

March 17, 2020

A Message to the Praying Church – Part 1 I have often encouraged believers to judge what God is doing in America, not by what they see or hear naturally, but by discerning spiritually. Elijah “saw” and “heard” drought-breaking rain—the sign of God’s favor returning to Israel—before there was even a cloud in the sky […]