December 18, 2018

Unraveling the Confederacy “It is time to seek the Lord more than ever before. Say, ‘Okay, Lord, how do we do that?’ Gather together and ask the Lord what to do. He is calling forth remnants in every city. They will assemble for a decree. There are more times of assembling. This is the inheritance […]

December 17, 2018

The Seriousness of Proper Alignment “We are about to see serious re-alignments. We will see racial realignment, especially in major cities. We will see other major realignments in cities. We will see more change in the next few years than we have ever seen. We will see great shaking in cities, states and nations. We […]

December 16, 2018

Call Your State to Align With the Lord “We are battling confederations of demonic structures. Not just strongholds. Strongholds have aligned together to form a cord of resistance. We must define these confederations. God has shown me states in alignment with God and states not in alignment. In 2008, He showed me what it would […]

December 15, 2018

Border Wars and New Resources “This new day and new era is breaking forth. There are state to state border wars happening. The borders of states are going into warfare with each other. This is not about the southern border of the United States with Mexico. There are borders that do not want the inheritance […]

December 14, 2018

It is Time to See! “God wept over Lazarus, because His people had still not broken through into the faith they needed for the future. He thought, ‘You have been with me all this time and you still know nothing.’ But then He demonstrated. And then they believed. There is power in the visitation of […]

December 13, 2018

God is About to Visit America “This is the year of Holy Spirit movement. Multitudes are in the valley of decision. There is great choice over the movement coming. This nation is in a conflict over choosing the movement. We haven’t chosen yet. We are in the process of choosing. The Lord is saying, ‘If […]

December 12, 2018

Paths Are Opening in New Fields “We are going to go into new fields this year. We are in an Ayin (Seer) season. It’s key. This is the ninth year in the Ayin season. Tet is the hebrew number for nine. It’s Hebrew symbol looks like a womb. There’s new birth coming. It is time […]

December 11, 2018

A Shift in Our Thinking “We are in a season of breaking out of old ways of thinking. We are going through a lot of intense conflict. Our nation is, as well. Daniel 7 shows that there is a tremendous conflict going on, but the Ancient of Days is stepping into His place. The enemy, […]

December 10, 2018

Whirlwinds of Lasting Change Are Coming “If our nation did not have a revolution in its bloodstream, we would not be where we are. Revolution does not always mean ‘overthrow’, but it can also mean ‘quick and lasting change’. It can mean ‘a whirlwind.’ A whirlwind creates a new cycle. There are lots of whirlwinds […]

December 9, 2018

Seated With Christ “Many have not been able to break through into Father’s presence. God is saying, ‘Come up! Come up here! I am seated on a throne above every other throne. I am seated above powers and principalities, rulers and every other earthly authority. You have no need to fear for your future, your […]